Covid-19 Outreach >> Serving the Poorest of the Poor
Cambodia is among the poorest countries in Asia with most rural communities lacking access to clean water and proper sanitation. The Covid-19 pandemic is causing families already without the most basic needs to find themselves in even more desperate situations.
We are excited to report that we were able to help hundreds of people from impoverished communities here in Cambodia last week during our latest Covid-19 outreach. More than 12,100 lbs. of rice, 7,500 packs of noodles, 1,650 bottles of soy sauce, 1,650 toothbrushes, and 275 tubes of toothpaste were distributed.
Our ministry was honored to receive four certificates of appreciation on this outreach; two from the commander of Region 5 Military who is a 3 star general, one from the head of the Battambang Municipality, and one from the commune chief in Banan District.
We also attended a Covid-19 training course at the Region 5 Military Hospital led by Col. Dr. Sophy, who we partnered with on this five-day outreach.
In Banan district, I had the opportunity to share with 100+ villagers that the work we do is because of our faith in Jesus and that He loves and cares about them. Considering that Cambodia is more than 95 percent Buddhist, the love of Jesus is difficult for these people to understand. We are planting seeds that we are hopeful God will use to turn their hearts to them.
Our water well drilling team left early Monday morning to go and drill new water wells at six rural schools to give these precious children and their families access to clean water in Jesus’ name.Please keep our work with the drilling of these water wells and the impoverished communities we’re serving in your prayers.
We ask that you prayerfully consider partnering with us today to help provide life-sustaining resources to the poorest of the poor here in Cambodia during these challenging times. May the Lord bless and protect you and your family now and in the days ahead!