We’re excited to share that 2021 is already off to a great start with nine water wells successfully finished! Our goals for this year are focused on continuing to bring clean water, food, medical supplies and equipment, and the hope of Jesus to one of Southeast Asia’s poorest countries: our beloved Cambodia.
Access to clean water has become even more critical in light of the Covid-19 health crisis. However, only 18% of the total rural population have access to improved water and sanitation facilities.
On average, just one clean water well transforms the lives of about 630 people. We rejoice that RFC has built over 300 fresh water wells in the name of Jesus, bringing improved health and sanitation to many hard-to-reach communities.
Our 2021 goal is to build 100 new water wells, and we’ve already successfully drilled nine this year.
For the thousands of Cambodians already living in poverty, the economic impact of the Covid pandemic has made gaining access to even the most basic human necessities extraordinarily difficult. Last year, we held several outreaches to provide thousands of pounds of rice, soy sauce, fish sauce, toothbrushes and toothpaste to struggling families. Our next outreach is being planned for this February with Col. Nguon Sophy MD, the 3-star Commander of the Region 5 Military and the deputy governor to distribute 22,000 pounds of rice, instant noodles, fish sauce, soy sauce, toothbrushes and toothpaste.
This year, we plan to use the ministry’s resources to bring relief to these impoverished men, women and children by distributing 25 tons of rice.
We’re grateful to our partners at Gateway Medical, a Seattle-based charity, for donating shipping containers full of medical equipment and supplies. Each container is valued at over $400,000.
The cost of shipping each of these imports is $4,500 per container to help Cambodians who otherwise would not receive the medical care they need.
Our 2021 goal is to import six additional medical containers full of essential medical supplies, and we’ve already imported one so far this year. Our second medical container is scheduled to ship Feb. 28th.
We know that through Christ who strengthens us and the generosity of our supporters, we can bring lasting change and the hope of Jesus to thousands of Cambodians. Join us in our mission to make an even greater impact this year.