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New Drilling Teams Accelerate Water Well Progress

As we enter the second quarter of 2022, we have much to praise God for already this year. We set a big goal of building 160 new water wells throughout Cambodia this year, and we are excited to report that we’ve reached nearly 40% of that goal in just three months!

That’s 63 fresh water wells drilled since January!

We are blessed to have three drilling teams working simultaneously, as opposed to just one last year. Our two new rigs have the power to drill through rock, which is a step up from our original equipment. With this new and improved machinery and our expanded workforce, we’ve been able to serve new provinces in Cambodia, including Kampong Thom, Kampot and Battambang.

Thanks to these new wells drilled in the name of Jesus, more than 100,000 impoverished Cambodians now have access to clean, disease-free water. We’re thankful for the momentum that is building, and we’re believing God will accomplish even bigger things as the year progresses.

You can be a part of providing clean water to the poorest of the poor in Cambodia. Your financial gift makes a lasting impact in the fight against extreme poverty.

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