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Breaking the Cycle of Poverty in Cambodia

The COVID-19 crisis has significantly impacted poverty and inequality in Cambodia, and the negative effects are still rippling through the country. The national poverty line was recently redefined as the equivalent of US $2.70 per person per day. Under this new marker, about 18% of the population is considered poor, with the majority living in rural areas.

The current need in Cambodia is great, as unemployment and poverty rates are still higher than before the pandemic. Since Cambodia imports more food than it exports, rising prices due to the war in Ukraine could cause poverty levels to rise even further.

At Rock Foundation Cambodia, we continue to fight poverty by meeting the mental, physical and spiritual needs of the people. We are looking for partners to come alongside us and invest in our mission to break the cycle of poverty and spread the love of Jesus. Whether it’s a one-time gift to fund a special project or a monthly recurring gift, we need your help!

Here are a few ways your donation can make a difference:

  • $1,500 provides a clean water well for an entire village.
  • $4,300 ships a container of essential medical supplies.
  • $5,000 provides five tons of rice, soy sauce and 2,500 cans of fish, which is enough to feed 250 families. (That’s just $20 per family!)

We are extremely grateful to all the donors who make our work possible. May God bless you for your generosity and obedience!

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