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Bringing Clean Water to Cambodia: 2022 Impact

Bringing Clean Water to Cambodia: 2022 Impact

By God’s grace, we are building momentum in our mission to bring clean water to Cambodia’s poorest villages, and just since the beginning of this year, thousands now have access to fresh, disease-free water. These water wells are drilled in the name of Jesus at schools, health centers, community halls and even Buddhist temples using top-quality durable materials.

The majority of our 2022 drilling efforts have taken place in the provinces of Kampong Thom, Kampong Cham, Kandal, Prey Veng, Kampot and Takeo, located in the central and southern regions of Cambodia. We target rural areas where access to treated, running water is limited. Each water well serves anywhere from 20 to nearly 20,000 people in the surrounding community.

Kampong Thom is located in the center of Cambodia, and it is the country’s second-largest province by area. It is divided into two parts: The larger eastern side consists mainly of forests and plateaus rich in natural resources and good for agriculture. The smaller western side consists of a floodplain area and is one of the best spots in Cambodia for rice cultivation and fishing.

In rural areas like these, open defecation is routinely practiced, which leads to disease transmission through water sources. Contaminated drinking water is a threat to everyone in the community, but young children and the elderly face the highest risks. Providing access to clean drinking water and proper sanitation significantly improves the health and safety of those living in these remote villages.

Prey Veng is another province where we have built a considerable number of clean water wells. Located on Cambodia’s southern coast, east of the Mekong River, it is a primarily agricultural region. It is the country’s third most populated province with 1.1 million people, and more than half of those people live below the poverty line.

We have strategically drilled wells in many schools throughout Prey Veng province so children have daily access to clean water and handwashing facilities. We are also shining the light of Jesus on the Buddhist community by building clean water wells at their temples.

While our clean water charity has provided thousands of people with this life-sustaining resource in 2022 alone, there are many more who still need our help. Would you consider partnering with us to make clean water a reality for the “least of these?” $1,500 provides one well for an entire village, so petition your church, your workplace or your friends and be a catalyst for change in Cambodia!

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