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Thirsty for Change: Help Fight Extreme Poverty

2022 ministry impact - clean water wells

Imagine turning on your faucet to find dirty water filling up your glass. Even worse, what if there was no faucet at all, and your only source of water was a nearby pond? Unfortunately, this is still the reality for many families in rural Cambodia.

We’re working to change that.

We started this year with the goal of drilling 160 fresh water wells, and by God’s grace, we have built 210! On average, we have drilled a new well every 1.7 days for the past 15 months, and we’re not slowing down! The Lord has given us a passion for the Cambodian people, and our ministry exists to share the hope of Jesus by meeting their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. That’s why, in addition to the wells we drilled, we also provided 66,000 pounds of rice and $2.5M of donated life-saving medical supplies to the poorest of the poor.

Isaiah 41:17 says, “When the poor and needy seek water, and there is none, and their tongue is parched with thirst, I the Lord will answer them; I the God of Israel will not forsake them.” 

Would you partner with us to be God’s answer to those who are thirsty, not just for clean water, but also for the hope of the gospel? As we look forward to all the possibilities 2023 brings, we ask you to prayerfully consider making a year-end gift to help launch our ministry into the new year. With your help, we will continue fighting extreme poverty in the name of Jesus.

Thank you for your support, and may God bless you abundantly in the coming year!

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