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Help Us Bring Clean Water to Cambodia

Help Us Bring Clean Water to Cambodia

An estimated 20% of Cambodia’s population lacks access to clean water. That means there are more than 3 million people in the country who rely on contaminated ponds and streams or stagnant rainwater for their daily needs. Our founder, Brett Medlin, is shown above holding a bucket of dirty water from a village in Kampot Province. This is what the locals use for drinking, cooking and washing.

Cambodia is in desperate need of more clean water wells, especially in the rural areas that cover nearly 75% of the nation’s land. For the many communities without a source of fresh water, illness and poverty will continue to be barriers to their ability to thrive.

At Rock Foundation Cambodia, the  number of wells we can drill is limited only by our funding. In 2023, we had enough financing to drill 200 clean water wells, and we have even bigger dreams for next year! One way you can provide a strong foundation of support is by setting up a recurring donation. When you commit to giving each month, you provide a steady stream of support that helps us plan for the future more confidently. It doesn’t matter the amount — every gift makes a difference!

Partner with us to end the water crisis in Cambodia: