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Schedule the Founder of Rock Foundation Cambodia to Speak at Your Church

rock foundation cambodia clean water well drilling ministry

We are excited to announce that our founder, Brett Medlin, will be in the United States over the next few months and is eager to share his journey with your church. Brett’s testimony of redemption and his calling to establish Rock Foundation Cambodia is both inspiring and transformative. Through this ministry, countless lives in Cambodia have been touched by the love of Christ.

A Story of Redemption

As a young man, Brett struggled with challenges that left him feeling lost and without hope. His life was transformed after becoming a resident of Youth-Reach Houston, a Christ-centered residential ministry for troubled teens. During this time, he developed discipline, a strong work ethic and a renewed sense of purpose grounded in his newfound faith in God. Looking back, Brett recognizes that the support and guidance he received during this pivotal season were instrumental in the eventual founding of Rock Foundation Cambodia.

Transforming Lives in Cambodia

For the past 16 years, Brett, through Rock Foundation Cambodia, has made an incredible impact in some of the most under served areas of the country. The ministry has drilled over 1,000 clean water wells, providing life-sustaining water to countless families in rural villages. Additionally, hundreds of thousands of pounds of rice have been distributed to those facing extreme poverty, meeting critical physical needs with love and compassion. Most importantly, through their outreach efforts, thousands of people have chosen to follow Jesus, experiencing the hope and transformation found in a relationship with Christ.

Invite Brett to Speak at Your Church

Brett’s journey of redemption and his work through Rock Foundation Cambodia are powerful testimonies of God’s faithfulness that will challenge and encourage your church. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear how God is transforming lives in Cambodia and how your church can be part of this Kingdom work.

Contact us today to schedule Brett for a speaking engagement!