Rock Foundation Cambodia exists to
Partner with us to help create lasting change in the impoverished Cambodian villages we serve. Our faith-based, Christ-centered organization provides life-sustaining resources for the poorest of the poor. Our work includes building clean water wells, importing containers filled with donated medical supplies, community development/outreach initiatives, and disaster relief.
With the current worldwide health crisis, Cambodian families are lacking the most basic needs such as clean water, food, shelter, and medical care now more than ever. Many who were living near poverty or were already in poverty are now without work.
Clean Water Wells
More than 100,000 Cambodians have received access to fresh water thanks to the clean water wells built by Rock Foundation Cambodia.
Medical Supplies
We import donated medical supplies to help Cambodian men, women, and children who otherwise would not receive the medical care they need.
New Homes
More than 140 homes have been built for impoverished Cambodian families with no shelter fit to house and shield them from the elements.
Community Outreach
Cambodia is among the poorest countries in Asia. We work within poverty-stricken, rural communities to provide physical and spiritual care for those most in need.
Disaster Relief
When health crises strike and inclement weather creates even more hardship for the Cambodian people, we do whatever we can to help.
The World Health Organization estimates that 80% of the world’s diseases originate from unclean water and food. Some of the diseases that can be contracted from unclean drinking water include cholera, typhoid, roundworm, hepatitis and dysentery. More than 80% of Cambodia consists of rural communities, most of which lack access to clean water and proper sanitation.